This study was carried out to examine the effect of brand image on brand choice in the telecommunication industry in Benin City, Edo State. In order to actualize the objectives of the study, various literature and theoretical issues were discussed. The instrument used for the purpose of this research was the primary research instrument (questionnaire). The mass of information generated from the questionnaires was summarized in form of table and analyzed using frequency, simple percentage and mean. The researcher administered three hundred and eighty-five (385) questionnaires to respondents, out of which three hundred and sixty (360) were retrieved for the purpose of presenting and analyzing responses to issues raised in the questionnaires. The hypotheses were tested using the regression analysis statistical tool.
The findings from the analysis revealed among other things that; there is a positive and significant relationship between affective and cognitive dimensions of brand image and brand choice in the telecommunication industry; and the mediating role of brand trust in the relationship between brand image and brand choice is statistically significant.
The study recommends amongst others that; mobile phone brands should improve on their user experience, phone design, display and other operational features as such would improve the selection of their brand by customers; mobile phone brands should leverage on this by considering the cognitive dimension of brand image on their brand strategy in a bid to improve the selection of their brand by customers; and mobile phone brands should build on their brand trust in order to create a favourable perception of customers towards their brand and consequently the propensity of them choosing their brand.