In this study, the effects of Garcinia kola seeds on the histomorphology of the bone marrow and peripheral blood count (haematological parameters) of chloramphenicol-induced anemia in Wistar rats were investigated. Thirty-six adult wistar rats were assigned into group A, B, C, D, E & F. Each group consisting of six animals.
Group A rats had normal feed and water ad libitum. Group B rats had 50mg/kg of chloramphenicol only. Group C rats had 50mg/kg of chloramphenicol and 400mg/kg of Garcinia kola extract concurrently. Group D had 50mg/kg of chloramphenicol and 800mg/kg of Garcinia kola extract concurrently. Group E had 400mg/kg of G.kola extract only while Group F had 800mg/kg of G. Kola extract only. The period of administration was 14 days. Histological and haematological findings indicated that aqueous seed extract of Garcinia kola at a higher dose of 800 mg/kg body weight over a period of 14 days, showed markedly increased myleoid-erythroid cell populations, presence of megakaryocytes in the bone marrow and statistical significances(p < 0.05) for erythrocyte count, haematocrit and haemoglobin concentration. The elicitation of these effects by the plant seems to be a reflection of its traditionally believed blood boosting effect and antioxidative properties.